Artist's Statement

I did most of my growing up in Claremont, CA, home to an artist colony and famous watercolorists, including Millard Sheets and Milford Zornes.  I attended school with their children and acquired an appreciation of watercolor.  My mother was a talented artist, having attended Otis College of Art and Design following college.  I discovered early on that she could improve on any attempt I made at drawing.  Alas, I studied ceramics and made pottery in my home studio for many years.  I also studied jewelry making at UCLA and created pieces using the lost wax casting process.  During my 12 year career as an Interior Designer, I was drawn to color and design and in the early 1990’s, I took a weekly basic drawing class at the Brentwood Art School in Los Angeles.  I found that I was successful at it and wanted to learn more.  Unfortunately, a busy work schedule and raising a family took precedence.

Retirement and a move to Central Oregon offered me time to explore painting, and 12 years ago I began taking classes in watercolor.  Since that day, I have been consumed with love for this medium.  My subject matter preference is for my art to tell a story about people or to create a mood.  That story may be joyful and full of whimsy or sad and thought provoking.  I leave the interpretation to the viewer.

Award of Distinction, Watercolor Society of Oregon 2023
2023 Award of Distinction, Watercolor Society of Oregon


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